Monday, August 31, 2009

Getting started

After deciding to do something totally out of my comfort zone this year, I chose to hike the Juan De Fuca trail on Vancouver Island in June for my 31st birthday. Due to the training, scenery, friends and fun this summer, I have become addicted to anything that revolves around hiking.
I have even started receiving eye rolls when I talk about my next hiking trip, escapade or "crazy" plan. All I can say is that I am thoroughly enjoying every time I step out. How far will we go today? How long will we be gone? Where should I hike next? Why doesn't anyone want to come with me????

I have continually received another question. How is your running? My answer is a version of, "I don't run, I'm a hiker." It seems to me to be such an obvious difference. I am out to achieve a distance or goal and not necessarily a time. Not that running may not become something I do as I add another dimension to my repertoire of things to accomplish. But who knows.
I am going to be completing my first half marathon (as a hiker) this Sunday and am very excited. It is a great achievement and something I never would have thought possible if you had asked me this spring. What a great feeling to look back over my Summer 2009 and see where I have come (and gone)!
I have been on the lookout for the next big challenge and entering into this half marathon got me thinking about races. There are so many out there that are more about finishing then winning. More about the team then the individual.
Count me in!
However, now that I have been searching for them I realize how many there are and how much training I will need to do. Especially in the mountain biking area!
And so becomes my search and preparation for the 2010 Adventure Race Season! Which ones? I will keep you posted.