Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Catch up

Hiking was great last week but also a celebration! Our last hike before Christmas, so we all wore Santa hats and had a shot of Sambucca at the top of the hike. Great day.

As Christmas falls on a Friday we moved our hike to Wednesday (today) however the temperature has dropped to -30 celcius with some wind which is quite cold.

We will try again next Wednesday to see if we can make it out.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Winter hiking.

Made it out for a short one last week, still had trouble with my boots. Back into the podiatrist for another modification.

Up at and it early this morning as we moved our afternoon to a morning hike to fit as many of us as we could in. Temperature was not bad but it was blowing snow pretty good and we had received about 5 cm over night. But we knew it would be nicer down in the trees,

With my long underwear on, a fleece, my Northface soft shell and a wind resistant shell I was too hot!

Had a beautiful hike and glad we went in the morning as the weather has definatly had a turn for the worse thia afternoon. My right foot had a moderate cramp which was uncomfortable but not debilitating like the last two weeks! So we will keep this and give it a go next week.

Hiked the actual creek for a bit but had to pull off due to flooding. It has frozen very smooth and thought we should of had our skates with us.

Still need to do some learning of the GPS so I will post when I know the actual distance.