Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Not Juan'ce but Twice!

So we are back from Vancouver Island and Juan is in the books. We had gorgeous weather the first two days, which was good as that second day is a killer. It rained through the second night and was still raining that third morning. We had thrown around pushing past Sombrio (our third day end point) and stopping 4 km later at Little Kuitsie. This would allow us to finish in 4 rather then the planned 5 days. We were still up in the air until we had arrived at Sombrio, hiking 8 km in the rain all day and miserable conditions at the beach. Little shelter, lots of rain and wind, plus alot of weekend partiers. So without much discussion, just a couple looks from one to the other, on went the bags and on we went. I guess we figured we misadwell be walking in the rain rather then sitting in it!
Little Kuitsie is a depressing dark in the middle of the scary woods campground, but we made the best of it! I mean when you get excited about the roominess of an outhouse, you're pulling at straws!
I was still able to check the weather on my blackberry (amazing) and saw that weather was turning around. Woke to beautiful sky's and a wonderful 14 km out to the end. We even took our packs off for over an hour and searched around the tide pools on a reef shelf for our lunch.
Then off to the parking lot to unload our gear. I also had a wonderful geo-cache hidden there by a friend of mine, so we all searched and found it! A wonderful note, card and a loonie.
We were then followed out on the trail by Murphy. A young guy who looked exhausted. He had just completed Juan in 2 DAYS SOLO! Wowsa.
Then off to Port Renfrew, for F-O-O-D. Something not from a foil pack, not dehydrated or a meal resembling a bar!
We ate like kings. Fresh Halibut and shrimp!
Loved every minute of it. Now it's onto the Death Race but I am already throwing ideas around for the next hike...hmmmm. Any suggestions?

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Well the countdown has begun. 5 days till I am off to Vancouver Island. Going to enjoy my last prep hike today with the girls and will be my official FIRST hike with my new pack. A DEUTER by the way. Just let the German accent roll off your tongue. I laugh everytime!

Just waiting for my rain cover to come in. Went back to Ernies and she is going to confirm it's been shipped. I guess I will have to pack a garbage bag if it doesn't come in....oh please Canada Post....work for me!

I have to say that having been on the hike last year, I am being quite ruthless with my packing. Even though I will be carrying more clothes than I needed to in June, my pack will be sooo much lighter. I think it will be under 30 lbs! That would be very nice.

My food situation is much more streamlined and some of the members have contributed some very nice purchases. And although the old tent in the garage would work....no one wants to carry 12 lbs of tent when you could carry one for 5! Again, it doesn't sound like much till you've been there, done that.

Weather was looking pretty cold and wet but the forecast has taken a turn for the better. Seasonal temps. One day with scattered showers, which of course means it might never hit your actual area. Slightly concerned about the Gail force winds and their warnings that keep happening for the Juan De Fuca Straight. We have spoken to locals and they say that it's the Eastern winds that are the worst and cause the most damage to the Island. These happen to be South- Western winds. I don't mind too much having to crawl over a fallen tree, I would just prefer to not have one fall on my head in my sleep!

Still have a busy week ahead and 3 more runs before I go, plus my hike today. I will let you know how it goes!