Friday, July 16, 2010

Last Grande Cache training day

So we headed back to GC to fo our full leg minus the pavement sections last weekend. Forecast for 20 and no wind, ended up raining the whole time! So it was a tough day slugging it out.
I had some issues with digestion of my food and felt quite ill on the way up Grande. I have a tough one today to try and figure some food stuff out. Don't want to feel the same way race day!
Really slippery coming down the backside of the powerline to the cemetery. Do you think it's too much to ask for 10 degrees with cloud cover and no rain or wind for race day???

Marshall Death Race Update

We went for a family bike ride and it turned into a pretty long one. 10 km for Marshall on his two wheeler is a pretty good way but he did really good. We were about 1/4 way in and he turned to me and said, "this is great training for my death race".
So cute.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's so nice to be in shape so that when a last minute offer to hike Bergeron Falls comes can! Plus the fact that I have the support of my family of course.

A beautiful trip with beautiful people. We worked hard and laughed harder. So much fun.

Approx. 15 km round trip. Travelled from the trailhead steady up for 2 km then down to the Murray River. We then made our way up Bergeron creek across rock and through a wonderful canyon to the base of the falls. Lunch and some pictures and back the way we came for 500 M. Then a 2 km climb along the ridgeline to the top of the falls.

We did a few extra loops and then headed back to the trailhead.