Friday, October 9, 2009


Went and picked up my warranty North Face shoft shell. Oooo...I love that coat. I missed it!
I also walked down to Fourword with my list of questions about bikes. Now don't get me wrong I know how to ride a bike but I don't really know how to RIDE a bike.
I have never changed a tire.
I didn't know what a deliminator was.
I have never really known what I was doing when I was changing the gears...only that I knew it was getting easier to pedal and that seemed like a good thing.
Who knew there were so many things to consider. Shocks, gears, brakes, seat, weight, height, price, price, price!
Mathew was patient with me. Thanks Mathew.
Turns out my online research helped a bit and I was on the right track. I was even informed that they will be doing winter training sessions on bike maintnance! Sign me up!
Now we just need to lose the much longer will that be around? Ha Ha

Actually, had to hike alone today but it was so beautiful out. Pretty cool temperatures for October so I ran about 1/3 of my 5 km. Felt really good.

Now for Thanksgiving. Might have to run a bunch more next week.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Laughing in the face of death...

Well it's official.
I will be running Leg 2 of the 2010 Death Race.
27 km, over 2 mountains, net elevation of over 6000 ft, in about 5 hours!

I am so excited! (stop laughing here)

Official winter training begins tomorrow and hikes have moved to the afternoon so it won't be so cold and dark! My replacement Garmont boots are on their way back to me. Thank goodness! And North Face was good and replaced my soft shell. Shout out to Valhalla Pure. The very best customer service I have had in town.

The Adventure race is still on the board and its has been narrowed down to the the Peace Christian School Adventure Race in Chetwynd. See youtube video below.

It runs in middle June and the Death Race August long weekend so it will be a great way to cross train for both races.

Now I just need to train and bike!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Maya Coba

Although I have to admit my week in Cancun invloved alot of eating, suntanning and drinking; I was able to get out for some exercise one day.
We were up early and down to wait for pick up at 6:40 AM. Ashley and I had 10 min at the breakfast buffet before we left and threw a couple nectarines in our bag for later.
The first part of out day invloved a rappel, a zip line, kayaking in crocodile infested waters (didn't see any), a few short hikes, swimming in a cenote and a lunch prepared by the ladies in a Mayan villiage.

On one of the hikes we did see some wildlife. The very scary kind! Yikes!
He is about 4 inches across.

The second half of our day involed another bit of a drive to the Coba Ruins. And when I say drive, I mean careening down a one way road at 110 km per hour meeting traffic head on, fearing for your life kind of drive.

It had been a very rainy day and so we were advised to not hike the 1.5 miles into the ruins and take a bike taxi. Thanks to Jessie and Jody and Luis Miguel.

Once there, it a beautiful set of ruins with 130 steps to the top.

Who needs a stairclimber!