Sunday, October 4, 2009

Maya Coba

Although I have to admit my week in Cancun invloved alot of eating, suntanning and drinking; I was able to get out for some exercise one day.
We were up early and down to wait for pick up at 6:40 AM. Ashley and I had 10 min at the breakfast buffet before we left and threw a couple nectarines in our bag for later.
The first part of out day invloved a rappel, a zip line, kayaking in crocodile infested waters (didn't see any), a few short hikes, swimming in a cenote and a lunch prepared by the ladies in a Mayan villiage.

On one of the hikes we did see some wildlife. The very scary kind! Yikes!
He is about 4 inches across.

The second half of our day involed another bit of a drive to the Coba Ruins. And when I say drive, I mean careening down a one way road at 110 km per hour meeting traffic head on, fearing for your life kind of drive.

It had been a very rainy day and so we were advised to not hike the 1.5 miles into the ruins and take a bike taxi. Thanks to Jessie and Jody and Luis Miguel.

Once there, it a beautiful set of ruins with 130 steps to the top.

Who needs a stairclimber!

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