Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Killer Hill

Friday was a nice "little" 10 km jaunt that took us across the creek 4 times. Meaning that we got to go down 4 times but back up 4 times as well! And in the process doing Killer hill twice! I keep forgetting to take my camera and really wish I had because now without the leaves on the tress you can actually see across the ravine to the other side of killer hill, really giving you a look at where you will end up.
Cross your fingers, I will remember this Friday.
I will be taking my GPS from now on to get exact mileage and we will time out Fridays so that should be nice to see.
I am also going to bring my poles next week. I am not used to the snow and although I felt ok, I also felt a little out of control a couple times. So we will see. Amanda and I think we will use poles on leg 2 anyway so I midaswell get used to using/carrying them.
Nancy has joined the Friday hike and what a pleasure to have her.
I have been asked to attend something next summer which will move my adventure race to another year but I am really looking forward to this new opportunity! I said the road would be bumpy! I don't have too many details but will keep you posted when I know more definate plans!
The one thing I have learned, is you never know when a great opportunity will arise and somtimes you need to jump at them and changes your plans!
I will still be committed to the Death Race Leg 2 and am nevously excited for that as well.

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