Thursday, January 28, 2010


For no good reason, I guess. Must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Stregth class and curled yesterday. Feel like I did squats for an hour with a weight across my shoulders! Oh wait...I did!

But actully feels good today. Like I did something.

Trevors cell phone beeped at 3 AM and I slept poorly the rest of the night. Maybe that's it.

Anyway, I guess I should try and acomplish some work although it might be tough to put on the happy voice today. I'll probably just scare everyone off!

Hoping to do another workout tonight although this book I am reading is really interfering with my time!

I'll work it out.

Friday, January 15, 2010


So now I thought I had pressed stop as we ended up only being about 3 km from the truck. But looking at the readouts and the map it also logged our stretching time and 3 km of driving.

So on the map were the couple of jiggy jogs are, that's where the truck is and we began driving.

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Aspen Ridge back 3

Pretty neat any way.

If you haven't had a chance make sure to change the background of the map to satellite or terrain and watch on the player.

First hike with my Garmin

Okay so obviously I have some work to do....however this is pretty cool!

In talking with the girls we decided we would do about 6 km today with some bigger hills, so I entered 6 km in to garmin however, once your "workout" is entered I can't seem to find out how to change mid-way. I will have to look that up.

At 6 km we were a long way from home still, so I entered a second 6 km just to be sure on a separate workout.

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Aspen Ridge first 6

You can see we actually hiked right to Aspen Ridge and came up to the back of someone backyard!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Not running...but driving

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Trial Run - driving

I am sure this isn't that interesting but I will be using my watch fir its first full Friday hike tomorrow and am trying to get out all the kinks. So here is me driving to pick up Marshall from school...wearing the watch.

I can't wait to see the data after my hike tomorrow!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's official!

The money has been paid.....signed on the dotted line.....I am officially a 2010 Death Racer!

Good start to week. Tues an hour on my home elliptical. Wed, 1 hour strength training class then curled for 2hours.

Feeling good this morning. Missing the hike this Fri so I am sad about not going and about not trying my watch yet.

Looking forward to some warmer temperatures. Just too darn cold. Our rule is -20 and its been -30 consistantly for over a week now.

Thursday night workout has been cancelled so I can just do some elliptical tonight.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Well Christmas and New Years fell on Fridays so I have really missed out in the hiking department however I am excited to get back into it and really focus on the 2010 goals.

I have recieved two new watches one that monitors only heartrate and calories while the other heartrate, calories, distance, speed and elevation. Plus it will allow me to wirlessly connect to my computer and post the data (and google map) of where I travelled!

I am a total beginner and so bare with me as I tread into this crazy new tech world!

Right now I have opend the box and have figured out how to charge my watch. Did you catch that? I actually have to charge it!

Anyway, I will be missing this Friday as well. That darn work is getting in the way. But enough of that. I need to get out of here and get outside!

Talk soon.