Monday, January 4, 2010


Well Christmas and New Years fell on Fridays so I have really missed out in the hiking department however I am excited to get back into it and really focus on the 2010 goals.

I have recieved two new watches one that monitors only heartrate and calories while the other heartrate, calories, distance, speed and elevation. Plus it will allow me to wirlessly connect to my computer and post the data (and google map) of where I travelled!

I am a total beginner and so bare with me as I tread into this crazy new tech world!

Right now I have opend the box and have figured out how to charge my watch. Did you catch that? I actually have to charge it!

Anyway, I will be missing this Friday as well. That darn work is getting in the way. But enough of that. I need to get out of here and get outside!

Talk soon.

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