Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week One Homework

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Week One - 1 and 2's 10 reps

I had emails all day from the running group about meeting and still running with the massive amounts of snow we have received in the last couple days....and them they cancelled. At supper it was so nice out and so I convinced myself I should run here anyway. Trevor gave me the sneaky eye...and begged me not to hurt myself.

So I took it pretty easy, some people had cleared there sidewalk others didn't but the snow was grippy. Although there was too much snow on the trail to the lake for my runners. A few icy spots but not to bad. And just like Sunday, I wanted to go further. But I keep telling myself there is not need to rush, I can't get injured (too much fun stuff on the books) and think I will have a better outcome if I just follow the training laid out.

So hopefully the snow will melt a bit and I can do my last 1 and 2 on Thursday. Sunday we move to 1 and 1.

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