Thursday, September 10, 2009

September is vacation month?

I am off to Phoenix tomorrow for the weekend. It is being called a working holiday however, setting up a house with a pool in 40 degree sunny weather seems much closer to holiday then work!
I will be up and out of my house by 5:30 AM and will then miss my Friday hike! Before you start laughing and although I am extremly happy to be going to Phoenix....I am sad. I have been hiking at least 10 km 95% of Fridays since April. It has become my routine and I love it.
So of course, I have been searching hiking in Phoenix. Luckily for me the house in Phoenix is 8 miles from a huge provincial park! Estrella Mountain Park. With miles and miles of trails. Who knew!
There is a sunset hike Friday night but am not sure I will be able to pull away the first night.
I would however like to go with a group as there are different hazards down there.
Here....bears. ok
There...scorpions. Not ok.
Here.... cougars. ok
There.... poisonous snakes. NOT OK!
In reading some information on the animals and how to be careful. It said to stay on the trail and not to grab onto branches. Yike. Well, I guess I better just face my fear head on.
Mental note, pack my hiking poles. They may come in handy as weapons!
So who knows. I hope to get at least one hike in. It looks like beautiful country and lots of elevation (my favorite).

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