Sunday, September 6, 2009

Well I finished the half marathon @ 3:29 (unofficial time) and have learned a bunch. First of all, that I can do it. Yeah me! Secondly, I still have some work to do on footwear issues but they aren't too bad. Third, don't wear pants in the rain, they get wet and heavy.
But to come around the corner and see my family cheering me on, was one of the best feelings. The one drawback to having your family waiting for you is that there is a great chance of having to carry one of them!
It was pouring when I started, rained most of the way and was coming down pretty hard at the end.
All in all I was wet.
Great snacks at the end which was great for me and the kids were pretty happy too.
Now off to put my feet up. Bed will feel fantastic tonight.

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