Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hot stuff!

Well, I left for Phoenix with such good intentions. Other then being extremly busy helping set up the house (remember-working vacation), it was WAY TOO HOT!
Wow. I'm not sure hiking in the middle of the night would have helped. It was 100 degrees F when you woke up, rose to 105-107 in the heat of the day and was still over 100 by the time I swam and went to bed @ 11 PM.
Back to it this Fri though!

On a side note, I have to tell a cute story about Westjet. As we were boarded our flight in Calgary and were taxiing away from the termianl I happened to look out my window. And there were the 4 ground crew employees holding a 12 ft X 4 ft sign that said "THANK YOU". All waving their arms.

It was such a small gesture but we were all smiling and talking about it the rest of the day. Go Westjet!

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