Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Chocolate for breakfast

Great spin class followed by a chocolate protein shake. Pretty yummy. Hoping pool will be open for our swim tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sprint what?

Great morning workout. Boot camp shuffle with 3 stations. Run 1 lap of track, run the stairs and push-up on the bosu x 3. Then 3 with the same except lunges on bosu. Then 3 with sit ups on bosu. Then came the work. 4 half lap sprints running as fast as I could. Stretch and done. Finished off with a chai tea protein shake. Felt great.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Wonderful hike

So lucky to be able to go for a hike today. Temps weren't bad, trail was packed well and I had the best company. I have missed our hikes so much.
Can't wait for the next one.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Spin it out

Up and at 'em for spin class this morning. Went well for my first spin.

Made my smoothie into a chai tea. Pretty good!!

Weighed in the Ernie's challenge. Not very happy with the number on the scale but that will change!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lessons learned

This morning was mostly about learning. It was the first day I got up early (way early). As in 5:30 am early. To work out at the gym.
Lesson 1: I need to eat something before the gym. We will see what that will end up being over the next few days.

Lesson 2: I think it will take some time to feel comfortable increasing my heart rate that soon after waking up. I didn't really feel well.

Lesson 3: I think I need to slowly add Jacobs ladder to my routine. It made me feel very dizzy.

Lesson 4: I can drink a protein shake for breakfast I can also enjoy it and feel satisfied. It did take me a long time however. Mixed the powder with frozen fruit and a v8 and cranberry mix of juice.

Lesson 5: feel tired tonight but not as exhausted as I thought.

Lesson 6: it's tough to get in 10,000 steps in everyday.

Looking forward to spin tomorrow morning.