Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lessons learned

This morning was mostly about learning. It was the first day I got up early (way early). As in 5:30 am early. To work out at the gym.
Lesson 1: I need to eat something before the gym. We will see what that will end up being over the next few days.

Lesson 2: I think it will take some time to feel comfortable increasing my heart rate that soon after waking up. I didn't really feel well.

Lesson 3: I think I need to slowly add Jacobs ladder to my routine. It made me feel very dizzy.

Lesson 4: I can drink a protein shake for breakfast I can also enjoy it and feel satisfied. It did take me a long time however. Mixed the powder with frozen fruit and a v8 and cranberry mix of juice.

Lesson 5: feel tired tonight but not as exhausted as I thought.

Lesson 6: it's tough to get in 10,000 steps in everyday.

Looking forward to spin tomorrow morning.

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