Friday, July 16, 2010

Last Grande Cache training day

So we headed back to GC to fo our full leg minus the pavement sections last weekend. Forecast for 20 and no wind, ended up raining the whole time! So it was a tough day slugging it out.
I had some issues with digestion of my food and felt quite ill on the way up Grande. I have a tough one today to try and figure some food stuff out. Don't want to feel the same way race day!
Really slippery coming down the backside of the powerline to the cemetery. Do you think it's too much to ask for 10 degrees with cloud cover and no rain or wind for race day???

Marshall Death Race Update

We went for a family bike ride and it turned into a pretty long one. 10 km for Marshall on his two wheeler is a pretty good way but he did really good. We were about 1/4 way in and he turned to me and said, "this is great training for my death race".
So cute.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's so nice to be in shape so that when a last minute offer to hike Bergeron Falls comes can! Plus the fact that I have the support of my family of course.

A beautiful trip with beautiful people. We worked hard and laughed harder. So much fun.

Approx. 15 km round trip. Travelled from the trailhead steady up for 2 km then down to the Murray River. We then made our way up Bergeron creek across rock and through a wonderful canyon to the base of the falls. Lunch and some pictures and back the way we came for 500 M. Then a 2 km climb along the ridgeline to the top of the falls.

We did a few extra loops and then headed back to the trailhead.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Alarm goes off at 6:00 am Saturday morning. Shelley and I get dressed, have some breakfast and pack our camlebak's. Safety pack, first aid kit, about 5 liters of water, trail mix and protein bars, camera, Kleenex and gloves.

We are picked up at 6:45 am, jump in a pick up and taken to our starting location, 18 km (as the crow flies) from the finish line.

Job - Get to the finish line before the Mantrackers find you!

The Mantrackers are located only 1 mile to our east along a well site road. We have to wait until 8:00 am for the start of our race. We mill around, practice making some dummy tracks and covering them up. The road is hard packed and the tracks are hard to see. Advantage Prey.

At 8:00 am the signal flare goes off, the Mantrackers radio that they can see it and we are off.

We go directly into the bush. The horses will be here very quickly and we need to find cover. We find a overgrown quad trail quite early though which makes our travel quite easy. We follow this for a few kilometers, changing our direction and choosing trails that are taking us in a South-westerly direction. We have a couple clearing crossings in the first few kilometers and are very nervous about the Mantrackers coming across us in these spots.

We get into some deeper forest and lose our quad trail. Still have a pretty good game trail most of the time but still hard to slug through. Lots of dead fall from the May Long snow.

At about 6 or 7 km in we come to a well site road. It is bitter sweet. Happy to run/walk on a nice surface but very nervous about being caught. Road = horses advantage. We decide to run the road for a couple km's to make up some time and rest our legs.

The road ends in an opening so we hide a bit and sit down for our first rest. Eat, drink and plan the next move.

There was a choice between an overgrown cutline or the bush. I was nervous about the cutline and I know Shelley wanted to take it. Looking back now with the advantage of satellite mapping I can see we should have taken it and also how close we were to it! Although our slugfest through the bush and over the Saddle Hills was the hardest section, the cutline would have also been tough as it was very grown over and had alot of fallen trees. Either way we would have still been in the deepest forest possible. 20/20!

After another 6km of slugging through the bush we came to the large pipeline running though the area. We knew we would have to cross this but were quite nervous about it. Again basically because it switches the advantage back to the Mantrackers.

We don't see them and decide to travel North to the wellsite that we can see. Again we know we are on the pipeline but we aren't sure where along that pipeline we are. To far south or north and we would miss our opportunity to find a road.

At the well site we are able to find our exact location on the map using land locations. No guessing...we know exactly where we are. What a feeling!

We head West on a well site road and mainly stick to roads and cutlines for the next 9 or 10 km.

We have to run the last km across an open field to the finish line. So nervous that the Mantrackers are waiting for you but happy to be done. Everyone cheered us across the finish line and toasted us with champagne.

What an experience. 26 km across some pretty dense bush. Some areas we are sure no one has ever been! Thank you to The Evelyn Sutherland foundation and of course Shelley for being such a great partner.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Man Hunt

So last week I received a call from a friend who was hoping I would help her friend. Long story short, I was asked to become prey in a man hunt the next weekend. That would be this Saturday!
After thinking about it and confirming I could get a partner, we gave a resounding YES!
So now I am on the countdown. 4 sleeps until I run for my life from two men on horseback! Yikes

All on the bumpy road to an adventure race.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Training Trip #1

So we sent the kids to grandparents, packed up the husbands and Rhinos and headed South to take our first peek at our leg for the Death Race.

We parked at the La Prairie staging on the Hwy and headed up Flood Mountain. Once on the quad trail (which is the actually leg of the race) it is quite well marked. Lots of orange tagging in the trees anyway.

Ran into Mike who was out training that day as well and he advised us not to try slugfest. So once we got snowed out of quading to the top of Flood we took his advice. But Amanda and I parted ways with the guys for awhile and ran down Flood the 9 km back to the trucks in about an hour.

Then we packed up the rhinos and moved back West 10 km to the Grande parking area and had the boys take us up that way. Lots of snow covering the trail and even more at the top.

But we were able to pick our way around on foot and the boys found their way around in the rhinos as well.

We had wanted to do the "powerline" as well but weren't sure about snow. You can see in the picture the line of snow on the far hill is where we had to go!

But we got out the binoculars and thought we could pick our way through. So, Amanda and I headed off, leaving the boys at the top.

The next picture is the view from where we came!

So the boys waited for us to make sure we could make it around at the bottom (as we couldn't see it from the top) and when we said we were good they took off back the way they came to organize the rhinos and meet us back on the North of Grande Cache at the cemetery (where the leg meets the highway)

We booked it and ended up getting there in less than an hour beating the boys by 20 min!

All in all, we felt good. Still had fuel in the tank. Feel better about our training. And not too sore today!

Monday, May 10, 2010

From the Death Race website.

Second leg, 27 km: Flood & Grande Mountain Slugfest
Includes about.1 km of pavement. The rest is dirt trail with rocky and swampy sections, and approximately 6 km of hard packed dirt road.. Net elevation gain is 500 feet, but the total elevation change is well over 6000 feet. This leg of the race is characterized by long sustained climbing with about 3 km of very rough terrain and two creek crossings. The trail from the summit of Flood Mountain to the summit of Grande Mountain is the roughest piece of trail in the Death Race. The power line down the front of Grande Mountain leading back into town is the most dangerous part of the entire course. This is due to the steep, rocky drop-offs and unstable footing while running downhill. The Slugfest is the most technical section and is rated the second hardest leg of the Death Race (although many rate this leg as the hardest of all).

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Marshall entered the kids Death Race!

So after the main race on Saturday they have a fun kids race Sunday. They get a t-shirt and a medal if they finish 5 k in 90 min.

So Marshall and I did our first training run together and he did pretty good. Quite a bit of coaxing from me and a bit of whining but all in all he was very excited to go and happy to be out.

He had lots of energy and could have gone further which is good. It think 5 km in 1 hour will be our goal!

Great job bud!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Not Juan'ce but Twice!

So we are back from Vancouver Island and Juan is in the books. We had gorgeous weather the first two days, which was good as that second day is a killer. It rained through the second night and was still raining that third morning. We had thrown around pushing past Sombrio (our third day end point) and stopping 4 km later at Little Kuitsie. This would allow us to finish in 4 rather then the planned 5 days. We were still up in the air until we had arrived at Sombrio, hiking 8 km in the rain all day and miserable conditions at the beach. Little shelter, lots of rain and wind, plus alot of weekend partiers. So without much discussion, just a couple looks from one to the other, on went the bags and on we went. I guess we figured we misadwell be walking in the rain rather then sitting in it!
Little Kuitsie is a depressing dark in the middle of the scary woods campground, but we made the best of it! I mean when you get excited about the roominess of an outhouse, you're pulling at straws!
I was still able to check the weather on my blackberry (amazing) and saw that weather was turning around. Woke to beautiful sky's and a wonderful 14 km out to the end. We even took our packs off for over an hour and searched around the tide pools on a reef shelf for our lunch.
Then off to the parking lot to unload our gear. I also had a wonderful geo-cache hidden there by a friend of mine, so we all searched and found it! A wonderful note, card and a loonie.
We were then followed out on the trail by Murphy. A young guy who looked exhausted. He had just completed Juan in 2 DAYS SOLO! Wowsa.
Then off to Port Renfrew, for F-O-O-D. Something not from a foil pack, not dehydrated or a meal resembling a bar!
We ate like kings. Fresh Halibut and shrimp!
Loved every minute of it. Now it's onto the Death Race but I am already throwing ideas around for the next hike...hmmmm. Any suggestions?

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Well the countdown has begun. 5 days till I am off to Vancouver Island. Going to enjoy my last prep hike today with the girls and will be my official FIRST hike with my new pack. A DEUTER by the way. Just let the German accent roll off your tongue. I laugh everytime!

Just waiting for my rain cover to come in. Went back to Ernies and she is going to confirm it's been shipped. I guess I will have to pack a garbage bag if it doesn't come in....oh please Canada for me!

I have to say that having been on the hike last year, I am being quite ruthless with my packing. Even though I will be carrying more clothes than I needed to in June, my pack will be sooo much lighter. I think it will be under 30 lbs! That would be very nice.

My food situation is much more streamlined and some of the members have contributed some very nice purchases. And although the old tent in the garage would one wants to carry 12 lbs of tent when you could carry one for 5! Again, it doesn't sound like much till you've been there, done that.

Weather was looking pretty cold and wet but the forecast has taken a turn for the better. Seasonal temps. One day with scattered showers, which of course means it might never hit your actual area. Slightly concerned about the Gail force winds and their warnings that keep happening for the Juan De Fuca Straight. We have spoken to locals and they say that it's the Eastern winds that are the worst and cause the most damage to the Island. These happen to be South- Western winds. I don't mind too much having to crawl over a fallen tree, I would just prefer to not have one fall on my head in my sleep!

Still have a busy week ahead and 3 more runs before I go, plus my hike today. I will let you know how it goes!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Backtrack to Crystal Creek - by the dance floor

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Backtrack to Crystal Creek - by the dance floor

Beautiful day on the trails. Again my foot felt great, so thinking that whatever happened to it actually in the end....helped?

If so, I'll take it!

3 week countdown to Juan. We all are getting excited.

2nd set of Homework - 1 and 2's 10 rep

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Homework - 1 and 2's 10 rep

Felt really good. Looking forward to 1 and 1's on Sunday.
Ignore the craziness on my watch info at the end. I had stopped my waych and pushed the button later while driving and so it screwed up all my data!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week One Homework

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Week One - 1 and 2's 10 reps

I had emails all day from the running group about meeting and still running with the massive amounts of snow we have received in the last couple days....and them they cancelled. At supper it was so nice out and so I convinced myself I should run here anyway. Trevor gave me the sneaky eye...and begged me not to hurt myself.

So I took it pretty easy, some people had cleared there sidewalk others didn't but the snow was grippy. Although there was too much snow on the trail to the lake for my runners. A few icy spots but not to bad. And just like Sunday, I wanted to go further. But I keep telling myself there is not need to rush, I can't get injured (too much fun stuff on the books) and think I will have a better outcome if I just follow the training laid out.

So hopefully the snow will melt a bit and I can do my last 1 and 2 on Thursday. Sunday we move to 1 and 1.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Well I have been still hiking away with the girls but have been having watch difficulties. I am getting data but its always incomplete so I haven't been posting it. One I lost satellites midway through, the next time I forgot to shut it off and most of the data is of me driving around in my Jeep and the last week I forgot to turn it on until we were half way done! Sheesh.
I also should update everyone on my Summer. I agreed to hike Juan again this June and then the group decided that the dates weren't working so I now will be hiking Juan in April! I fly out April 14th, hike the 15ht til 19th and fly home the 20th. We fly into Nanaimo which will be nice as I have never been there, then we are renting a car to drive to Sooke and meet up with Donald C. Mills the writer of Giant Cedars, White Sands: Juan de Fuca Marine Trail Guidebook. This is a book my mom bought last year before our hike and Nancy contacted him with a few questions. Now he is going to help us park our car @ Botanical Beach and give us a ride back to the China Beach Trailhead so we can hike to our car!
I also have a wonderful surprise at the end of my hike! (other then the satisfaction of completing it!) My friend Suzanne who was @ Botanical Beach a couple weeks ago has left me a geo cache hidden at the finish line! What a wonderful treat to a wonderful trip!
Most of the planning is complete, so now its about praying to Zeus to dry up some of the crazy amount of mud I am sure is on the trail!
I am also starting to gear up my training for the Death Race. Lucky for me the Press Run is in 10 weeks and the GP Run/Walk Club is doing free training sessions to all members. So I am starting with the 10 k running group and once that is done I am going to use the 21 k training pattern to continue through the summer.
So I will keep you posted on that!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Amanda Squared Suicide hill - Reservoir Loop

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Suicide hill - Reservoir Loop

Well after realizing I had posted all my info in my family blog, then re typing it in my family blog AGAIN. I am going to try this ONE MORE TIME!

It was just the two Amanda's today. About minus 11 degrees. Pretty nice out, a little windy at the far West loop of the reservoir but sheltered most of the way.
We were lucky enough to run across some wildlife on our run today.
The first being a trio of deer. Two bucks and a doe. Beautiful. I wish I had my camera.
The second being a trio of vagabond natives. Two bucks and a doe. We were all smiling and saying Hi's until the third guy stopped and yelled at us "I am going to beat you up!"
We turned around and kept a quick pace in the opposite direction! Yikes!
We kept a leisurely pace over 6km/hr and were happy about that for January. It was great to be outside, getting exercise and with great company.
Have a great weekend

Thursday, January 28, 2010


For no good reason, I guess. Must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Stregth class and curled yesterday. Feel like I did squats for an hour with a weight across my shoulders! Oh wait...I did!

But actully feels good today. Like I did something.

Trevors cell phone beeped at 3 AM and I slept poorly the rest of the night. Maybe that's it.

Anyway, I guess I should try and acomplish some work although it might be tough to put on the happy voice today. I'll probably just scare everyone off!

Hoping to do another workout tonight although this book I am reading is really interfering with my time!

I'll work it out.

Friday, January 15, 2010


So now I thought I had pressed stop as we ended up only being about 3 km from the truck. But looking at the readouts and the map it also logged our stretching time and 3 km of driving.

So on the map were the couple of jiggy jogs are, that's where the truck is and we began driving.

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Aspen Ridge back 3

Pretty neat any way.

If you haven't had a chance make sure to change the background of the map to satellite or terrain and watch on the player.

First hike with my Garmin

Okay so obviously I have some work to do....however this is pretty cool!

In talking with the girls we decided we would do about 6 km today with some bigger hills, so I entered 6 km in to garmin however, once your "workout" is entered I can't seem to find out how to change mid-way. I will have to look that up.

At 6 km we were a long way from home still, so I entered a second 6 km just to be sure on a separate workout.

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Aspen Ridge first 6

You can see we actually hiked right to Aspen Ridge and came up to the back of someone backyard!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Not running...but driving

Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Trial Run - driving

I am sure this isn't that interesting but I will be using my watch fir its first full Friday hike tomorrow and am trying to get out all the kinks. So here is me driving to pick up Marshall from school...wearing the watch.

I can't wait to see the data after my hike tomorrow!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's official!

The money has been paid.....signed on the dotted line.....I am officially a 2010 Death Racer!

Good start to week. Tues an hour on my home elliptical. Wed, 1 hour strength training class then curled for 2hours.

Feeling good this morning. Missing the hike this Fri so I am sad about not going and about not trying my watch yet.

Looking forward to some warmer temperatures. Just too darn cold. Our rule is -20 and its been -30 consistantly for over a week now.

Thursday night workout has been cancelled so I can just do some elliptical tonight.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Well Christmas and New Years fell on Fridays so I have really missed out in the hiking department however I am excited to get back into it and really focus on the 2010 goals.

I have recieved two new watches one that monitors only heartrate and calories while the other heartrate, calories, distance, speed and elevation. Plus it will allow me to wirlessly connect to my computer and post the data (and google map) of where I travelled!

I am a total beginner and so bare with me as I tread into this crazy new tech world!

Right now I have opend the box and have figured out how to charge my watch. Did you catch that? I actually have to charge it!

Anyway, I will be missing this Friday as well. That darn work is getting in the way. But enough of that. I need to get out of here and get outside!

Talk soon.